Sunday, October 30, 2011

Teaching Tip #24

Write Down Notes

It's one thing if you're a college professor in a class where lecturing to the students without writing anything down is the norm (like maybe a history class).
 It's another thing to do it to high school sophomores who are learning Eastern Civ and don't know spellings or names or dates and have never been exposed to a lecture and have difficulties keeping up with your verbal notes.

I've learned from my teacher's mistake - I almost always write down notes.  Even if I wasn't teaching math, I would do it.  Some students really need to see what's going on. Lecturing and expecting everyone to keep up with you and get the spellings down the first time you say them doesn't work out well when you're teaching a class with students of various learning abilities.

It helps the slower students keep up and the visual learners to understand what's going on.  I have a few students who read what I put down before writing it because they comprehend better that way.

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